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Skills Show inspiring hundreds of SEND students

Buckinghamshire Skills Hub inspired over 300 students with SEND, at its first SEND Skills Show, which exposed students to a broad range of employers to discover different industry sectors and be inspired!

The SEND Skills Show took place on Monday (20th June) at Stoke Mandeville Stadium and enabled young people to explore careers, discover different industry sectors and work out how to achieve their ambitions. But equally, it was an opportunity for employers to inspire the next generation and secure their talent pipeline. 

Marina Jackson, from Buckinghamshire Skills Hub, said: “We were delighted to hold this Skills Show specifically for students with SEND, which was attended by over 30 inspirational businesses. The event was the perfect opportunity for students to meet potential employers, learn more about what is out there and gain ideas regarding their future.”

Marina added: “It was really inspiring to see the excitement of all of those in attendance as they met businesses from a wide range of sectors, as well as education providers, gathering information about their potential next steps. Our goal is to help every individual find what is right for them, whether that’s higher and further education, training, apprenticeships or employment.” 

The experiential careers event was aimed at young students with SEND aged 11-19. Those attending got the opportunity to interactively engage with organisations and next steps providers (universities, colleges and apprenticeship programmes) to find out more about: what it is like to work in key industries; what skills and qualifications are needed to get their first job; and what steps they should take between now and at the point of application.

The sectors showcased at the event included: creative industries; digital technology; high performance engineering and manufacturing; life sciences; health care and social care; hospitality, leisure and tourism; public sector; and construction and civil engineering.

Bucks SEND Show

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