Come to one of these Open Days to find out about the variety of courses on offer from A-Levels to vocational BTECs, and land-based programmes and Apprenticeships meet tutors and see the amazing facilities.
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BCA, Strode's and Windsor Colleges open days
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Zenopa Marketing Apprenticeship (Level 6)
For ambitious school leavers, a Zenopa Apprenticeship is a great first step into your career. You have the opportunity to learn, earn, gain ...
Update on Careers and Enterprise Company funded projects
Furze Down School set up it’s ‘Cycle Enterprise’ start-up this year with funding from the CEC and Winslow Town Council.
An Employers Guide to Supported Employment
Employing people with a mental health condition, a learning disability and / or autistic people.
NFTS and Bucks Skills Hub announce winning school of annual Year 12 commercials challenge
The National Film and Television School (NFTS) and Buckinghamshire Skills Hub have declared students at Wycombe High School as the winners o...
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