Studies show that diverse organisations tend to be more innovative and profitable, yet the employment rate of people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is lower than the rest of the population. To help balance the scale, we’ve rounded up three brilliant opportunities for those facing barriers to entering the workforce.
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Tearing down barriers to employment
Pathways to Work
Speakers for Schools is running a three-day virtual work experience for SEND students on 24th-26th April. Hosted by six different employers across the hospitality, health and public sectors, participants will explore a range of career options and learn about the support available for those with additional needs. Apply here by Friday 10th April.
Sensory and information overload, eye contact challenges, not knowing how much to say… Sound familiar? For autistic students, interviewing can be a huge barrier to securing employment, which is why AutiQuest has launched a new app featuring 100s of tips and ‘autism alerts’ to help you better navigate the process. Download now from the App Store or Google Play.
Confident Futures Skills Show
Every young person should be able to experience career inspiration, no matter what their background or circumstance. With inclusivity underpinning every element, our sensory-conscious skills show will be popping up at Stoke Mandeville Stadium on Tuesday 11th June to connect job seekers with over 50 disability confident employers and next step providers. Check out 2023’s event highlights and then bag your free tickets.
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BFI Film Academy Short Courses
Cinemagic is delighted to announce the delivery of the BFI Film Academy Short Courses programme in 2022/23 and 16–19-year-olds.
Fully Funded Work Experience
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Career Support - free training videos
SYLO Beyond HR have released some free short videos that could be helpful to both people who have a change in career and students who are st...
Bucks Skills Show in pictures
Last month saw over 5,200 career seekers gather in Stoke Mandeville Stadium for our annual jobs fair. Want to see what they got up to?
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