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Get excited for Bucks Skills Show

Not going to Bucks Skills Show? Our partner sponsor, Buckinghamshire College Group might convince you otherwise. Over 5,200 career seekers, including students from 26 schools, have already booked their tickets to the county’s largest exhibition of employers and next steps providers, and here’s why…

Buckinghamshire College Group is proud to once again be sponsoring Bucks Skills Show for 2025. Not only does the event allow the college to showcase its courses to young people from across the county, it also provides a chance to connect with its staff and current students.

The inclusive, forward-thinking college offers a wide range of opportunities, including full-time courses, T Levels and apprenticeships. With campuses in Aylesbury, Amersham and Wycombe boasting state-of-the-art facilities with specialist equipment, salons, studios and workshops, you should drop by its exhibit if you’re interested in learning alongside teachers and industry experts, while gaining real-world experience in your chosen field. 

Visitors to Buckinghamshire College Group’s exhibit will even get a chance to try some hands-on activities, which showcase just some of its courses, including Film and TV, Health and Social Care, Hair and Beauty, Construction, Uniformed Public Services, Special Effects, Music, and Graphic Design.

“Every day employers tell us that they are looking to the talent of Bucks to provide their skilled workforce. Bucks Skills Show allows us to demonstrate how we can help young people develop the skills they need for the future by providing an opportunity to showcase the huge range of career-focused education and training programmes available at Bucks College Group, all of which are designed in collaboration with industry experts.”
Jenny Craig, Principal

Whilst select schools will be heading to the event on the morning of Wednesday 5th March, job changers and parents accompanying students are welcome between 16:00 and 20:00. Bag your free tickets here. 

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