3 min reading

Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Buckinghamshire Adult Learning is funded by central government through the Education and Skills Funding Agency. We offer FREE workshops and courses to support you if you are made redundant, by developing your employability skills and improve your wellbeing in order to support you back into employment quickly. Ways that we can support you include:

For information please click here and request a call back if you would like information and advice on the support available. You will be able to book an assessment at one of our centres in Buckinghamshire to get advice on the right level of course for English, maths, Digital Skills or English for Speakers of Other Languages.

Getting Started Online

Flexible Online Learning – professional development 

Our new FREE Flexible Online Learning programme gives you the opportunity to gain a qualification through distance learning. You will work independently and at your own pace to complete an online workbook in your own time. Choose from a wide range of vocational subjects such as Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care, Mental Health and Autism Awareness and improve your employability skills, your personal skills and professional knowledge.

Please get in touch ASAP to register for one of our regular induction sessions to get you started >

Sector Based Work Programmes (SBWP) – move into a new sector

These are short intensive courses to help job seekers apply for work with a particular employer or in a particular type of role. Buckinghamshire Adult Learning delivers SBWPs in conjunction with JCP who refer their customers to us. Typically these online programmes are one or two weeks long with teaching sessions every day and can lead to a relevant qualification. They also include some work experience or a speaker from the employer organisation will join the class to give an insight into the role. An important element of the programme is training in employability skills such as completing job applications and preparing for video interviews. 

Enquiries for these programmes can be made by email to cldevteam@buckinghamshire.gov.uk or call 01296 382403.

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