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Third-Party Provider Register - Health Education England

HEE have launched the third iteration of the Third-Party Provider Register to the HEE Website! 

This register has been launched to further assist our stakeholders and reduce confusion in relation to, fee-for-services, offering to develop and deliver online work-related learning programmes at a cost.

The register enables stakeholders to easily draw comparisons and make more informed decisions as to which provider they may wish to use, to support delivery.

While HEE is providing the information, it does not endorse one provider over another, the information within the register will be updated every six months beginning from May 2022 and directly provided by the supplier. Information which has not been updated by the supplier is identifiable via a data stamp. 

HEE does not take any responsibility for the information presented in this document. Any claims as to the prior quantity or quality of services offered, non-NHS organisations working with or own feedback regarding services, may not have been independently verified by HEE.

For a copy of the Third-Party Provider Register, please email workexperiencetfc@hee.nhs.uk 

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