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First of its kind report highlights Bucks’ skills priorities

Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership (Bucks LEP) and Buckinghamshire Skills Hub are delighted to launch the first ever Buckinghamshire Local Skills Report, which is the ‘go-to’ document for everything skills-related within Buckinghamshire, bringing together evidence, strategy, information on current and planned initiatives and examples of best practice.
The 2021 Buckinghamshire Local Skills Report provides an analysis of Buckinghamshire’s skills and employment needs, identifies the priorities for public investment and sets out an action plan for skills development with the county for 2021/22.  
Professor Gavin Brooks, Chair of the Buckinghamshire Skills Advisory Panel, said: “I am delighted to introduce the first Buckinghamshire Local Skills Report. The Report brings together an analysis of the County’s skills priorities and examples of local employer-education collaboration with the actions we believe need to be taken forward to ensure individuals and employers have the skills they need for future success. I hope the Report will be used by all organisations involved with the local skills agenda to help inform their decision making.”  
The Buckinghamshire Local Skills Report is based on research undertaken on behalf of the Buckinghamshire Skills Advisory Panel (SAP) and will become an annual publication. 
The Report highlights key Buckinghamshire skills strengths which include: significant job growth anticipated in a variety of sectors; a strong collaborative culture (between education providers, and between employers and educators); further and higher education institutions with a strong history of business engagement, and a focus on applied learning and employability; high levels of qualifications amongst residents;  
individuals with cutting edge engineering, technology and creative skills that cross sectors and can create opportunities for innovation; and clear long-term economic growth aspirations set out in Bucks LEP’s Local Industrial Strategy
Having strong talent pipelines that meet the need of Buckinghamshire’s key sectors – construction, creative industries, life sciences, health and social care, space, and high-performance engineering - will be critical to the long-term success of the County’s economy. Other skills priorities identified for Buckinghamshire include: improving the work-readiness of young people leaving education and entering the job market; providing support to help individuals navigate the impact of Covid-19 on the job market; raising the digital skills of residents, the workforce and businesses; and attracting and retaining talent within the County. 

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