Red Kite Community Housing is pleased to announce that we will be holding our first FREE two-day virtual event ‘Better Futures’ for 16-25 year olds:
Wednesday 24th – Thursday 25th March
10am – 2pm via Zoom
How our young people will benefit
We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the wellbeing and career opportunities of many young people. We are working in partnership with local organisations to bring together exciting opportunities, motivational sessions and practical support to help our young people during these challenging times. This event will provide a greater understanding of what training, funding opportunities and wellbeing support is available for young people. We would like to support them with opportunities for:
- Apprenticeships
- Further / Higher Education
- Training
- Internships
- Employment
- Funding
- Volunteering opportunities - Wellbeing
How you will benefit
It will provide you with an opportunity to connect with a variety of younger audiences living in our communities. You will have a platform to promote the amazing projects you are working on and help you find interns, employees or volunteers to deliver these projects. It’s beneficial for everyone!
Although it’s a virtual event we are keen to deliver an engagement experience which is as real as possible and looking for partner organisations that would be able to provide the following in a 20-minute time slot:
- Video / presentation: (5 mins) – introduction to the organisation and the benefits of working with you.
- Employment / training / funding / volunteering opportunities: (5 mins) – what positions are available and where they are located.
- Questions: (5 mins) – be available to engage in a live, interactive Q&A session.
- Summarise: (5 mins) – how can young people get in touch to take part in your project (preferably a name and contact rather than just instruct people to visit your website).
How to book your place
If you are interested and able to help, please let us know and we will get in touch to discuss this further. If you can’t make this event but know any organisation that would be interested in taking part then please do share this email with them.