Study Higher is a partnership of universities, further education colleges and other stakeholders working together to provide young people with high-quality impartial advice and guidance about education opportunities.
The outreach hub support is available to schools and colleges in the Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Swindon regions, and in particular supports students living in areas with low rates of participation in higher education. The outreach hub has three main strands: Signposting, Support, and Strategic Engagement.
The outreach hub support is available to schools and colleges in the Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Swindon regions, and in particular supports students living in areas with low rates of participation in higher education. The outreach hub has three main strands: Signposting, Support, and Strategic Engagement.
The hub is a point of contact for all schools in the four regions. Teachers and advisors can contact the hub team to find out about the free outreach activity available to them. The Study Higher website hosts details of local outreach events and how to book on them, as well as resources and information for schools and colleges about higher education.
The hub provides additional support to schools and colleges with a significant number of students living in areas with traditionally low rates of participation in higher education. To find out if your school is eligible for hub support, click here.
Strategic Engagement:
The hub works closely with HEIs and FE Colleges, LEPs and Careers Hubs to develop strategic collaborative activity and encourage effective and impactful collaboration.