Bucks College Group are pleased to announce that HealthTec is teaming up with the Royal College of Nursing to deliver their prestigious Nurse Cadets Programme in August 2022.
This 2-week programme involves a week in HealthTec (based in Aylesbury College) and a week’s placement in a local Bucks HealthCare Trust establishment.
This programme is a great way to enhance your knowledge of the NHS, Career roles and gain work experience in a formally approved programme and it enhances CV’s and UCAS references.
Successful applicants will be provided with a bespoke uniform and transport costs will be reimbursed for their placement.
Bucks College Group are hosting an online information session NEXT Tuesday, 14th June, between 5.30pm and 6.30pm to explain the programme in more detail and describe the process of application for this often, oversubscribed programme.
If you would like a link to the online session please email healthtec@buckscollegegroup.ac.uk with the subject title – RCN Information and you will be sent a link via email reply.