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Imperial publishes new book to inspire engineers of the future

Imperial College London, with support from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, has collaborated with What on Earth Publishing to create an inspiring new book, Engineers Making a Difference: Inventors, Technicians, Scientists and Tech Entrepreneurs Changing the World, and How You Can Join Them.

Two years in the making, the book and its associated resources are now published, with school kits heading to every state secondary school in the UK. These free school kits contain two copies of the book, a Teacher’s Guide, 12 hot topic posters, and a 4-metre-long timeline wall chart.

The kit has been designed to be a valuable resource for schools in the delivery of their career guidance plan against the Gatsby Benchmarks Framework – a framework for good career guidance developed to support secondary schools and colleges in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice, and guidance – and the activities in the Teacher’s Guide will provide opportunities for teachers to bring the engineers’ stories into the classroom.

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