The new school year has begun, and it’s time to remind everyone about the upcoming skillbase programme sponsored by the Chesham Community Board, starting on October 8th.
Students will have the opportunity to develop a proof of concept app for a real client, gaining valuable work experience. Additionally, they will create a multi-media marketing campaign to present their product to the client.
The programme is primarily online, held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. However, there will be an in-person mini techlab during the October half term. During this time, students will meet industry experts in marketing, videography, and graphic design. They will also hear from the Peter Jones Foundation about personal branding and entrepreneurship and have the chance to discuss apprenticeships.
A flyer for the upcoming programme is attached, and students are encouraged to sign up. Upon registration, they will be invited to a welcome session where they will receive further details about the programme. A £10 registration fee is required to secure a place, but no further payment is needed. Returning students do not need to pay the fee.
Sign up here: