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T Levels: What are they anyway?

Creative Industries
Digital Technology
Financial and Professional Services
High Performance Engineering
Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism
Life Science, Healthcare and Social Care
Public Sector
Third Sector / Voluntary Sector
Wholesale and Retail

So you’ve heard the word ’T-levels’ being mentioned. Or perhaps you haven’t. Here is the scoop on exactly what they are and how you can get one:

80% Classroom learning skills that employers need and 20% Work putting those skills into practice

  • They are equivalent to 3 A levels. You can go onto employment, higher education or apprenticeships

  • You get a 45 day industry placement. Meaning valuable time in a workplace relevant to your subject

  • They have been designed in collaboration with leading businesses such as Fujitsu and Skanska

  • When and how you complete your industry placement depends on your T level choice, college and employer

  • You get a nationally recognised qualification at a pass, merit, distinction or distinction*

  • They are free if you start studying before you are 19

To find out more about T levels, click here.

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