30 min

PSHE with Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership

The annual Bucks Skills Show helps young people explore careers and work out how to get there. But 2020 was different: instead of the usual face-to-face format, we streamed live inspirational employers into lessons to show how they use curriculum subjects in their every-day job. 

This interactive lesson in PSHE explores the wider world of work and the post-Covid economy with Buckinghamshire LEP.

Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership is a business-led ‘partnership of equals’ between local government and the private sector, building the conditions for sustainable economic growth in Buckinghamshire.

Caroline Perkins is Research Manager at Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership. She is responsible for maintaining and communicating an up-to-date economic evidence base for the county. This is used to inform local economic strategy and decision making.

Caroline has worked in the world of labour market and business research for the last 20 years. Following a degree in City and Regional Planning at Cardiff University, Caroline went on to obtain a Masters in Social and Market Research from the University of Westminster, and has since worked for a wide range of organisations including government agencies, business membership organisations, sector bodies and local economic development organisations.

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