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Oxford Brookes Next Steps Explained Hub

Designed to help students in Year 13 who are still feeling undecided about university and what to do next, this project from Oxford Brookes University aims to bring a clearer understanding of UCAS Extra and Clearing as a route still available to apply to university, along with lots of other topics covered to help create a greater understanding of what it’s like to go to university. If you have students who would benefit from some support in making their decision about university, please encourage them to complete the application form to gain access to the Next Steps Explained Hub.

This project will also tackle topics such as applying to student finance, accommodation and preparing for university, key areas of concern students may have preventing them from making the decision on their next steps.

Once students register, they will have access to a hub where resources will be made available to them as the project progresses from now until August 2024. The students can move through the project at their own pace, or follow along with the fortnightly release dates - they will be kept aware of the schedule via monthly emails linking back to the hub.

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