29 min

Maths with PSI

Life Science, Healthcare and Social Care
The annual Bucks Skills Show helps young people explore careers and work out how to get there. But 2020 was different: instead of the usual face-to-face format, we streamed live inspirational employers into lessons to show how they use curriculum subjects in their every-day job. 

This interactive lesson in Maths: Collecting, recording and representing data with PSI.

PSI is a non-for-profit organisation that focuses on leading and promoting good statistical practice across the healthcare industry. PSI is run by and for its members, who it supports throughout their careers, from education through to retirement https://www.psiweb.org/

Abeera has 3 years’ experience in drug development working as a Statistician at Amgen on late phase clinical trials and observational research in Oncology (cancer treatments). Katie has 5 years’ experience in drug development and currently works as a Principal Statistician at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) on early phase clinical trials across multiple disease areas. Alongside their day jobs, both Abeera and Katie are members of PSI’s Careers and Academic Liaison Committee (CALC) which aims to raise awareness of the statistics-based career opportunities in the industry.

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