Brookes Engage 2024/25

Applications are now closed

A national outreach programme for students in Year 12 or the first year of college.

What is Brookes Engage?

A free subject based programme designed to support you in making decisions about your next steps after school or college through the following activities.

Academic Masterclasses

Visit the campus and make use of our state of the art facilities. 

You’ll get to engage in your choice of subject sessions delivered by Oxford Brookes University staff and academics.

Online content

You can choose what content to complete and complete it in your own time so that you can tailor your experience to what you are interested in or need more support with. This includes further subject content as well as support with UCAS and careers information.

Mentoring from current Oxford Brookes students

Mentors will help you navigate the challenges of applying to university, and will tell you all about student life and what it is like to be a student at Oxford Brookes. Your mentor is also able to support you with subject related questions, and you can meet your mentor when you visit Oxford Brookes.

What’s in it for me?

“The programme has given me an insight into what university is like. I am more confident about going to uni in the future.”

Brookes Engage graduate, 2023

What will I do?

Part 1 - Exploring your options

The programme will start in January of Year 12 with activities taking place throughout the rest of the year:

Delve into your subject with the Brookes Engage academic masterclass series.
Saturday 11 and 25 January Oxford Brookes University
Explore Oxford:
Get a taste of Oxford with cultural and social activities in the city
Tuesday 18 FebruaryOxford City Centre
Information, Advice and Guidance:
Support with UCAS, university decisions and study skills
Saturday 29 MarchOnline event
Mentoring with a current Oxford Brookes University student
Throughout the programme

Online mentoring platform

All travel and meals for in-person activities will be provided at no cost to you. 

Part 2 - Transition to University

Once you return for Year 13, the programme will begin again in September with a range of support available for your UCAS application. In October you can visit campus again, with a special invite to the university Open Day. You will also continue to take part in online mentoring with your Oxford Brookes University mentor. 

Two smiling teenage girls

What can I study?

You will be able to choose from a range of subjects closely related to a variety of degree courses. 

  • Extended deadline: Oxford Brookes Business School
  • Extended deadline: Built Environment and Architecture
  • Extended deadline: Computer Science and AI

Who can take part?

To be eligible to apply for Brookes Engage, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be in the first year of a two-year Level 3 qualification (e.g. A Levels, BTEC, or equivalent)
  • be studying at a non-selective state school or college in England
  • have 5 GCSEs A*-C/ 4-9, including English and Maths (or expect to have 5 GCSEs including English and Maths by July 2024)
  • live in England
  • be aged between 16 and 17 at the time of starting the programme.

To be eligible to apply for Brookes Engage, you also need to meet at least one of the following criteria.

  • currently eligible for free school meals or 6th form bursary
  • currently live in local authority care, or have lived in care
  • are a young carer (are under 18 and help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem)
  • are of black or minority ethnic origin
  • have official refugee status in the UK, or are an asylum seeker
  • live in an area of higher socio-economic disadvantage. To find out whether this applies, please use the postcode lookup tool
    • Type your postcode into the search box. 
    • Download the Excel spreadsheet generated. 
    • If the number in the column labelled ‘Index of Multiple Deprivation Decile’ is 1-4, you are eligible.

Applications will also be considered from those who meet any of these other criteria:

  • have a disability, mental health condition, or specific learning difficulty

  • are of minority ethnic origin.

How do I apply?

Complete the Brookes Engage Application Form

What our students say

“The programme has helped me understand more about higher education and the 'best' ways to continue my path in education.”

Brookes Engage graduate, 2023

“I was able to speak with a student to find out more about life at a university and help with decisions regarding where I want to go to a university and what I am looking for.”

Brookes Engage graduate, 2023

Contact us

Brookes Engage
